Muze is a kickstarter and live-streaming app for artists and musicians. This was a collaborative project for my app design class, that I worked with alongside Justin Piel, and Kaitlyn Kennedy.
My Pages
Home Page Communities Page

Achievements Page Donations Page

Above are some of the app pages I designed for Muze. Much of Muze was centered around community and support for upcoming artists. As a result, much of the app's live streaming features center around group chats, pattern tiers, and different ways to donate to creators.
Channel Home Patreon Tiers Community Groups

Many mid fidelity wireframes were created between me and the other two members of the collaboration. These are some early examples of my wireframes, which really highlights the askew box shapes the app was designed around, to hint at a sort of spontaneity, while not being too visually jarring.

I was also in charge of creating an icon system for Muse. The system was designed so that the icons had multiple connotations. For instance, the exclamation mark represents the chatterbox achievement (post 100 comments), but a miniature version of the icon is also used as a notification symbol when you have an unread message on your communities tab. Differences in color and scale still provide variety within one icon's different uses, so that nothing feels too uniform, which could lead to confusion.
The app icon was also my responsibility. I used the first letter of the full logo, and experimented with different versions, some with gradients in the background, others solid, and even one with patterns.